
Interview prep.

This was my checklist for the interview questions:

1. Current portfolio of work.

VIMEO/blog strand.

2. a) Emerging practice.

- Develop my skills within film both pre/post production, including art direction, camera handling, studio set-up, animation, editing, and project management.

Render technical understanding as closely to professional/industry requirements as possible.

b) Career aspirations.

- No specific realisations as yet with regards to a specialist position. → I enjoy being involved throughout the whole working process and my knowledge of the industry thus far is limited, but would love to work as part of a small/emerging film company where there is multiple input and cross-over of roles within the team, ideally for jobs within the music industry.

c) Level 3 practice.

- Develop my technical understanding within film as closely to professional/industry requirements as possible.

- Summer prep:

Summer collaboration with digi media students on 10-minute film, which will be used as a training device for people who treat depression.

- Produce 2 polished films for both projects next year, submit to festivals/competitions.

3. Placement opportunities.


- Left Eye Blind - a young collective based in Leeds. Currently trying to secure placement.

- Oblong - producing graff doc, again based in Leeds.

OTHER POSSIBILITIES. (funds dependent)

- Academy Content films. Based in London, renowned independently for its professionalism and high-end skills as a production house.

- Annex Films is one of London's longest running commercial production companies with 34 years in the business.

- Another Film Co. Award winning, London based production company, again really established and respected. Would love to work for such a company.

- Also looked at Post-Production companies in London, such as CONCRETE, PEPPER, RED EARTH, and FIFTY FIFTY.

4. Other strategies.

- Develop a more professional identity. A showreel would be good to condense my work down into short and concise snippets. I will have to think about the work I produce in the future and how it could fit into such a layout.

- Continue to upload onto Vimeo, try and get feedback and publicity for my work, and build relations with a wider network outside of the college bubble.

- Collaborating with other practitioners/graduate/students on projects.

5. Does my portfolio work?

- Ultimately needs more work in it.

- Consider a web presence/showreel in time for a more professional presence.

- Vimeo very useful, need to push to the right areas and submit work to festivals/competition strands to get more hits.