

"I feel i've definitely got a head start on gaining contacts within the industry. I think this is because the penny dropped at the start of the second year, and i realised that in order for me to make a career out of this is need to get my work out there as far and as wide as possible.

From what i can gather so far, the industry wants someone who has a wide breadth of different skills; this means they don't have to employ three people to do one task. This ultimately reduces their costs, which is what they want during the credit crunch.

They also want you to have a web space, if you don't have a central point of contact and a place that your work can be easily accessed then the work may as well not have been created."

(Matt Saunders, work placement evaluation).

Matt's, phil's, and will's evaluations were good reads and i thought the above point was particularly pertinent. Having a web presence seems much more important now, and i will have to think about how i want to build mine. Need to start producing some decent work to put on it..